Not quite there

I’ve been writing for myself since I was young, but aside from this blog which I do as a hobby, I’ve completed one novel (though honestly it needs more editing) which I submitted to the Wilbur and Niso Smith adventure writing prize (shortlist in link) and I’ve submitted one other piece to Asimov magazine. I neither got shortlisted for the award of had my submission accepted.

No big deal, I honestly didn’t expect either to be a screaming or immediate success.

What has somewhat surprised me is my lack of pessimism about this. If I had tried and failed 10 years ago then I probably would have packed it in altogether and focused on my current career fully and completely…or at least other things.

That’s not how I’m feeling though. I want to put more energy in. I want to refine and improve my writing and put more ideas down on the page.

Maybe I’ll never make it something I can subsist off of, though I can hopefully get something published and I can definitely enjoy myself while doing it. I’m not convinced the pure aim of life, of writing is to simply enjoy what you’re doing. It does feel like a good starting point though, if the business of survival is in order.

So, here’s to my writing hobby. Long may it continue.

The golden turtle

One go at a vignette on my pirate sisters idea

The winds whipped up against the wooden sailboat, cruising it along the dark shore. Cleopatra stood aft alongside her steersman while a young girl crouched in the bow looking for signs of rocks in the dark. They used no lamps so as not to give away their position to the residents of the shoreline.

Some would be considered friends of a sort, but too many would report them to one of their numerous enemies. The annoyance of having to engage in a skirmish during this particular mission wasn’t worth it, though the crew and her captain typically relished any fight.

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As annoying as I know some people will find the headline, I can’t help it sometimes and it does have a certain ring to it.

Some of the mannerisms and interactions of my twins started sparking ideas about pirates fighting over a golden submarine (the twins shrieking at each other over the one plastic yellow submarine bath toy we have – yes, we should have bought two but didn’t). Naturally the two pirates are related, though probably not twins. They’ll love each other but fight tooth and nail for the right to have what the other is holding.

If it’s a comedy (or comedic – not sure yet) they will of course have their unconventional pets (a sheep and a lion – stuffed in reality, naturally).

Maybe I won’t write any story along this lines. I do like the ideas swirling around in my head though. It’s certainly amusing.